This brief sampling will show the results of the efforts put forth for David Blumenberg and his concept, Peaceful Things.
The sticker designs were spawned from the idea of creating a logo that represented the world's major religeons together in peace.
This poster started the relatinship between David and I. David came into the signs shop I was working at and needed a poster to tell people in this congregation that the details of that year's Passover Seder.
These are spin-off designs of the posters and stickers that were once availble on an online store.
The sticker designs were spawned from the idea of creating a logo that represented the world's major religeons together in peace.
The poster designs were designed together with the stickers to portray the same message in a lerger format.
These are spin-off designs of the posters and stickers that were once availble on an online store.
The sticker designs were spawned from the idea of creating a logo that represented the world's major religeons together in peace.
The poster designs were designed together with the stickers to portray the same message in a lerger format.
These are spin-off designs of the posters and stickers that were once availble on an online store.
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Boynton Beach, FL 33436